Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Results
Behind Distillation: a research born after the discovery in Cyprus of 2000 BC alembics by Maria Rosaria Belgiorno ISBN: 9789963244812 List Price: $37.00
Cyprus in the prehistory of wine: Archaeology, Legends and Archaeometry on a symbol of God by Maria Rosaria Belgiorno, Al... ISBN: 9788890574108 List Price: $24.00
Perfume of Cyprus : From Pyrgos to Fran�ois Coty the Route of a Legendary Charm by Belgiorno, Maria Rosaria ISBN: 9781541234727 List Price: $15.00
Cipro All'inizio dell'et del Bronzo (Cyprus in the Early Bronze Age): Realt sconosciute dell... by Maria Rosaria Belgiorno, Al... ISBN: 9788849217216 List Price: $35.95
archaeometry and aphrodite: proceedings of the seminar 13rd June 2013 CNR Rome by maria rosaria belgiorno, al... ISBN: 9789963244805 List Price: $40.00
The Perfume of Cyprus: from Pyrgos to François Coty the route of a legendary charm. Third Re... by Maria Rosaria Belgiorno ISBN: 9789963244829 List Price: $25.00